Social styles

Social styles

Social styles are a topic that always generate a lot of interest when we talk about them, although it is not always clear what they are and what they are for. Some use the term relational intelligence and some improperly emotional intelligence. Social styles are often...
Digital Punk IPO on the stock market

Digital Punk IPO on the stock market

Milan, today Digital Punk made a successful debut on the new stock market of the Milan Stock Exchange, at a placement price of EUR 33.69 and closing slightly lower after the first day’s trading. The stock traded moderately over the course of the day, touching a...


In chess, the saying goes: ‘A bad plan is better than no plan at all’. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, on the other hand, said: ‘In preparation for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable’. U-Lead...
Meta Facebook (after or beyond?)

Meta Facebook (after or beyond?)

Why did Facebook decide to become Meta and what impact does it have on your digital strategy? The short answers are respectively: to avoid too strong an association with the main service and no, not at least in the short term. Meta and Facebook: at first glance There...