
This is our manifesto, which in its simplicity condenses the values we apply to consulting, marketing, training and somehow we also bring it into the digital innovation communities.

Its title condividi et impara (share and learn) is the synthesis of two core values that set us apart: continuous learning and its sharing with our customers, partners and fellow travellers.

condividi et impara

sustainable growth with joy [we are not parents]

we have no role models [not even Joe Strummer]

never spoil the party [enter without breaking everything]

relationship before connection [numbers first only on the balance sheet]

don’t keep doing the same thing over and over again [or you stay who you are]

speed up, the sooner the better [even though we love Wil Coyote]

look at what others are doing [but always be unique]

digital but ethical [we only use recycled electrons]

What do you think of the manifesto?

Do you want to give us your opinion? What do you like and what don’t you like?

Give us your opinion
We listen to everyone and always learn something from everyone, even you (if you want to tell us).

If you want to tell us something else you can write to us directly, every new contact is always nice!

Curious to see the original one?

This is how we wrote it the first time in Italian.

manifesto Digital Punk

We still hold true to those, albeit with experience we fine tuned something!