Versatile salesperson

Versatile Salesman is a two half-day training programme designed for all those who want to become more effective and convincing in dealing with customers or prospects.

Training is an investment. If it acts directly on the main components of a company’s sales activities, then the return is even greater. On sales strength can depend success or failure.

Who is it for?

This programme puts social styles into the context of sales processes, where it is necessary to create a trusting and possibly long-term relationship. For this reason it is suitable for:

✔ Managers and company owners who also have a sales or key customer management role

✔ Anyone within the sales force who has contact with customers, or potential customers

versatile salesperson

Objectives of the days

The two half days are divided into different phases, all very interactive. Their aim is to develop several points including:
✔ Introducing and understanding the social styles model
✔ Understanding the salient points of each style
✔ Learning to identify and enhance each participant’s style
✔ Learning to identify the style of the interlocutors
✔ How to leverage versatility for successful relationships.

Why is Versatile salesperson particularly beneficial?

The first advantage of the programme is that it is not a course but rather an environment that allows participants to improve themselves not through study but through interaction and direct, personal experience.
✔ Each participant is encouraged to follow his or her own personal characteristics instead of conforming to predetermined models.
✔ The focus is on practical aspects and concrete, achievable results
✔ Comparison between participants is particularly stimulated in order to contextualise the theory as much as possible
✔ Video practice sessions allow what has been seen to be put to the test
✔ An assessment phase of each participant’s social style and versatility can also be added to the programme (optional)


The course can be organised on company premises or in an external facility.